
Nice guys finish last

I hate to be honest, but it sounds like the poster is just collecting pitty points. You are supposed to learn from your mistakes to avoid making the same ones. Not see how many of the same mistakes you can collect so you can complain. It also seems that your definition of a nice guy is one who is a door mat.

With as many problems you have with long distance relationships, you need to find someone local. Unless you live in the middle of nowhere, if you can't find anyone local, you need to evaluate the problem.
12 years

Nice guys finish last

SquasheeTheFeederMan wrote:
I'm thinking women can't be trusted, as the one I met before this one just wanted to scam money out of me and I ended that on the spot. This last one has managed a considerable amount out of me, but she wasn't so obvious about it till just now. I'm sad, angry, and embarrassed I let this happen.

For goodness sake man, use some logic yourself, you're 40 years old. I'm sure you've met more than enough women who can be trusted by now, whether one is with them or not. You're hurting over this right now but that's no excuse to feel such blind hatred and blame your embarrassment on women in general. People have been burned by all sexes and genders. They always have been. And yet there's still always people in all sexes and genders to trust, too.

Wake up. You've just effectively told all the women here they're fakes and liars, well done. Did you think this wouldn't get the response it has?

and if she ever asks for money, forget her.

At least you seem to have learned this though. As randomlancila put it:

randomlancila wrote:
The moment anyone, male, female, genderqueer, whatever, starts asking you for something money related, the MINUTE something seems sketchy, you need to trust your gut instinct.


The Only Weigh is Essex wrote:
Don't send money to people you've never met, and if you do, make sure it's for a flight ticket only and absolutely nothing else.

Life isn't fair. It's like a slot machine, or rolling dice. You got a few bad rolls. That's all. Learn from this and keep playing the game of life. The more you keep playing, the more of a chance you'll have that you'll succeed eventually. It's either that or give up on life altogether and have zero result, never knowing if you could have had a positive result one day.

Live and learn.
12 years

Nice guys finish last

People aren't vending machines. You don't put money in and get sex and love in return. Making claims as you've done says far, far more about you than it does about anyone else.

EDIT: Also, anyone claiming to be a "nice guy" generally is anything but.
12 years